All the children need two pairs of shoes to go to school: shoes for their school uniform and sport shoes. They will only wear the shoes when going to school, in order to make sure they last as long as possible. When one of the children has outgrown their shoes they will be passed on to one of the smaller children. With your purchase you can make sure that one of our children has proper shoes to go to school this year.
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School fees
One of the main goals of the Nanginyi Foundation is to provide access to education for the children. Five days per week they go to the Sasa School, which lies at the edge of the savannah, where they live. They get their lessons in English. We pay the school fees for the children at the beginning of the school year. The school year in Tanzania starts in January and ends in December. The children get days off during all national and religious holidays, and get a month off in June. School fees are our largest expense every year, so every donation is welcome! Access to education gives the children a chance for a brighter future!
Goat or sheep
Cattle is very important to the Maasai. They work hard to take care of their herds and to keep the animals safe and healthy. You could compare a herd to a savings count. When sheep or goats reproduce, the herd will grow. In times of need, a sheep or goat can be sold in order to earn some money. A small goat, that after a few months has become bigger, can be worth a lot more on the market. For example, by donating 1 goat you can make sure that a Maasai family in five years does not have only 1, but 3 goats! The Maasai use the fat and milk of the goats, and eat the meat of the animals if they die or when they are butchered for a special occasion.
School supplies
At the beginning of the school year, we buy school supplies for the children. Pens, pencils, exercise books, a map, a drawing set (with rulers etc.), erasers, a pencil sharpener and a pencil case. To take all of this to school, the children also need a sturdy backpack. When you purchase a school supplies package you can make sure one of our children has enough supplies to perform at their best at school.
Food package
The Nanginyi Foundation sponsors families who do not have enough food to eat every day. It is important for the Maasai to eat well, as they perform hard physical labour and need a lot of energy. The Nanginyi Foundation sponsors food packages with rice, beans, maize/corn, tea, sugar, cooking oil and, when available, some vegetables and fruit. Our local coordinator will put together the food packages depending on the current food prices and availability. He will then deliver them to families in need. When you buy a food package in our webshop you can make sure that a Maasai family in need will get support.
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Aan het begin van het jaar worden de schoolspullen altijd ingekocht. Pennen, potloden, schriften, een map, een tekenset (linialen etc.), gummen, een puntenslijper en een etui. Om dit allemaal mee naar school te nemen is natuurlijk ook een goede en stevige rugzak nodig. Met de aankoop van het pakket schoolspullen zorgt u ervoor dat een kind alle schoolbenodigdheden voor het hele jaar krijgt om zo optimaal te presteren.
Stichting Nanginyi sponsort gezinnen die niet elke dag te eten hebben. Aangezien de Maasai dagelijks veel lichamelijk werk verrichten is het belangrijk dat ze genoeg energie uit hun voeding halen. Stichting Nanginyi sponsort voedsel pakketten met daarin rijst, bonen, mais, thee, suiker, olie om te koken en eventueel groenten en fruit. Afhankelijk van de prijs en beschikbaarheid zal de lokale coördinator de spullen inkopen en zorgen dat het bij de gezinnen terecht komt die gesponsord worden door Stichting Nanginyi. Met uw aankoop zorgt u ervoor dat de gezinnen die het hardste voedsel nodig hebben een voedselpakket krijgen van Stichting Nanginyi en zo dus hun familie te eten kunnen geven.
Alle kinderen hebben twee paar schoenen nodig om naar school te gaan: school schoenen en sportschoenen. Zij zullen de schoenen alleen dragen voor school, zodat ze zo lang mogelijk meegaan. Mocht een kind nog goede schoenen hebben die te klein zijn geworden, dan kunnen ze naar een kleiner kind. Met uw donatie zorgt u ervoor dat een kind tijdens het schooljaar voorzien is van goede school- en sportschoenen!
Local nursery school
In 2018 the Nanginyi Foundation started to establish a local nursery school in the boma. Nine girls and Nine boys between 4 and 6 years old from different boma's in the neighbourhood are coming to the boma of local coordinator Mathayo 5 days a week to follow education. In this way we want to introduce education to the local community and show that it is also important for girls. The children will be taught in different subjects and sports and creativity will be part of the curriculum too. In the morning they will be provided with a breakfast (tea with sugar and milk and bread or porridge) and there will be fruits during the day. To keep the local nursery school running we need money for materials, the breakfast and to pay a contribution for the teacher. Every donation is therefore welcome to support our local nursery!